Lance Wallach's Articles | The Expert on 419 and 412i Plans

Lance Wallach's Articles | The Expert on 419 and 412i Plans

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  1. Expert Witness RSS ARCHIVE
    Lance Wallach has never lost a case. Ask me anything
    MARCH 12, 2015
    Insurance Expert Witness

    The complexity of life insurance puts many litigators at a disadvantage when disputes reach the stage of legal action. Special rules often apply if policies are part of a retirement plan or other tax-favored entity. Even the methods of paying for life insurance—especially split-dollar and outside premium financing—can affect an outcome. Tax implications are another factor.
    In many situations, the plan the client bought or the manner in which he purchased it was inappropriate. In other cases, the right product was sold in the right way but the purchaser was still unhappy.

    Lance Wallach is one of few professionals who knows how these pieces work both alone and in conjunction with estate and financial planning. He wrote the book on life insurance that accountants and financial planners read to prepare for CPA certification. Lance uses his expert knowledge and vast experience to offer advice, opinions, and testimony to attorneys, accountants, and other individuals facing life insurance litigation.

    Lance Wallach's side has never lost a case. Contact Lance Wallach now to give your case the edge it needs.
    9:54AM | URL:
    FILED UNDER: expert witness Lance Wallach 419 412i
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