Lance Wallach Life Insurance: Why You Should Stay Away from Section 79 Life Insu...

Lance Wallach Life Insurance: Why You Should Stay Away from Section 79 Life Insu...: I’ve had several calls lately from doctors who are being pitched Section 79 plans and are wondering if these plans are any good. The doctor...

You Don't Have To Just Take OUR Word For It.
Read What Our Clients Have To Say!
The IRS says:
Reportable Transactions
Client Testimonials
Natural persons who fail 
to disclose a reportable 
transaction to the IRS 
are subject to a $10,000 
penalty. Other 
nonreporting taxpayers 
are subject to a $50,000 

The penalties are 
increased to $100,000 
and $200,000, 
respectively, for natural 
persons and other 
taxpayers who fail to 
disclose a reportable 
transaction that is a 
listed transaction
Call 516-935-7346 For Help NOW
Call 516

“Lance is an industry leader
His research and insights have proved right on the money!”
Debra Rothberg,“Lance is extraordinarily intelligent. He has few peers, if any, in his area of expertise. 
I unhesitatingly recommend Lance.”
Gary Lesser, Owner, GSL Galactic Consulting“Excellent results, Google him”Larry Wilconsin,“Lance is a true expert on VEBA Plans. Five years ago, he took the call of a total stranger, 
and in doing so, he spent an hour helping me solve my client's problem. During the past five 
years Lance consistently proven to be a valuable resource for me and my practice. He is a 
warm open person who is willing to invest in others success.”

Don Atherton, CEBS, CFP, CLU, Owner, Integrated Benefits Solutions, Inc.
“Lance is a wonderful resource not just in regards to VEBAs, 412's, abusive plans and IRS 
codes, but also who and what he knows about certain broker-dealers. I called him about recent 
changes to 412, and got on the subject of broker-dealers, and he lent so much of his time to 
inform me about making the right choice. He is a really great, personable colleague to people 
working in the financial services business.”
Robert Thomas, Resident Insurance Producer, Independent Consulting
“Lance has been recognized by many organizations for his expertise as a speaker 
and writer
 on employee benefit plans and other tax topics. You can't go wrong hiring him as a 
speaker or, if you want to learn how you can participate in one of Lance's frequent book 
projects, he offers an easy way to get yourself published for the first time so you can get a 
book in front of prospective clients and/or professional colleagues.”
David Drucker, Principal, Virtual Office News LLC
“I have relied on Lance's valuable expertise on several occasions in assisting my 
clients with Veba's (419 plans). Lance is definitely the person to help properly structure 412i 
and 419 plans and fix plans that were improperly set-up.”
Sherry Oskey-Hall, Owner, Wealth Creation Strategies

Since first calling Lance, he has taught me more about all aspects of insurance, income 
tax nuances, and relatively unknown welfare benefit plans than I had learned in the years spent 
with other well-regarded experts who had been in the same field for over 30 years.

As a result, when Lance becomes a consultant to any company or individual they not only get 
the benefit of his immense knowledge, but they receive the knowledge of experts in any area of 
finance that will benefit the client. Lance will never say, "I don't know too much about that." 
Instead he will say, "Let me put you in touch with an expert who is knows more about that than 
anyone in the country." And he means it.

I have yet to hear of anyone that has been disappointed for calling upon Lance Wallach for 
advice or assistance. He is truly at the top of his field.

Michael N. Kessler, M.D., M.A.
President, K & L Agency, LLC
Michael Kessler, Owner, K & L Agency, LLC
“Lance is perhaps the country's foremost expert at establishing various kinds of 
employee benefit programs for companies and individuals and also highly knowledgeable 
about the programs that do not meet the legal requirements of the Internal Revenue Service. 
He is a well known author, has spoken at numerous meetings attended by financial services 
practitioners and is the professional you want on your side when the IRS comes calling.”
Bill Goodwill,
“Lance is a pleasure to work with, very knowledgeable.”Paul Rosen, President, Paul J Rosen Financial Services Inc.“Lance is an expert in little known tax reduction techniques for profitable business 
Matthew Tuttle, Owner, Tuttle Wealth Mgmt, LLC
Even Government 
Officials Learn From
Our Experts:
"Mr. Wallach, thanks so 
much for taking the time 
to talk to me today
about VEBAs. Any 
information you can send 
me would be  helpful.  
Hopefully, we can work 
together in the future as 
interest in VEBAs 
Corman G. Franklin
Office of the
Assistant Secretary
for Policy
U.S. Department
of Labor


Email correspondence
Date: Wed, Jan 12, 2011

Happy New Year Mr. 
Wallach and thanks for 
the article.


Ronald R. Itzkowitz
National EP Customer 
Partnership Analyst
Internal Revenue Service 
- Employee Plans

    Letter to Lance Wallach from Ford Motor benefits representative:

    Fri, 11 Jan 2008
    Subject: VEBAs

    Dear Mr. Wallach,

    It as a pleasure speaking with you  this afternoon. I appreciate the time you spent
    listening and the giving of your advice.

    Next week, we, a small splinter union (IAM)  within a large Ford Motor facility, at
    Cleveland Casting Plant will be negotiating our contract. This site is mostly represented by the UAW who have already consummated their contract with Ford Motor Company, and has accepted the VEBA option for their retirees. Their VEBA will be run by the UAW and whoever they decide to confide in to execute the health care benefit and the investments with the millions that Ford Motor will hand over to them, and then Ford will wash their hands of any more health care responsibilities.

    Our IAM negotiations start Jan. 14th. The small group of individuals that will be across the table from the experts representing Ford Motor, are comprised of a few elected people that are Pattern Maker/Machinist by trade. We have no one of any particular expertise in finance, healthcare, or investment. We are expected to come to terms with
    little, to no knowledge or leverage of the task set before us. We have 1300 people's
    lives that will be affected by these negotiations. It is a shame that the larger unions will not step up to the plate and help with the terms that we are faced with. Ford Motor will use this to their advantage to squeeze a few more dollars out of our pockets.

    Thank you again for your generous contribution of foresight and knowledge to the concerns facing the American workers in this globalistic battle for the bottom line.

    Mark A. Gwynn
    IAM Benefits Rep.
    Ford Motor
    Cleveland Casting Plant


IRS Attacks Business Owners in 419, 412, Section 79 and Captive Insurance 
Plans Under Section 6707A

By Lance Wallach

Taxpayers who previously adopted 419, 412i, captive
insurance or Section 79 plans are in big trouble.
In recent years, the IRS has identified many of these arrangements as abusive devices to funnel tax deductible dollars to 
shareholders and classified these arrangements as listed transactions." These plans were sold by insurance agents, financial 
planners, accountants and attorneys seeking large life insurance commissions. In general, taxpayers who engage in a “listed 
transaction” must report such transaction to the IRS on Form 8886 every year that they “participate” in the transaction, and you 
do not necessarily have to make a contribution or claim a tax deduction to participate. Section 6707A of the Code imposes 
severe penalties for failure to file Form 8886 with respect to a listed transaction. But you are also in trouble if you file incorrectly. I 
have received numerous phone calls from business owners who filed and still got fined. Not only do you have to file Form 8886, 
but it also has to be prepared correctly. I only know of two people in the U.S. who have filed these forms properly for clients. They 
tell me that was after hundreds of hours of research and over 50 phones calls to various IRS personnel. The filing instructions for 
Form 8886 presume a timely filling. Most people file late and follow the directions for currently preparing the forms. Then the IRS 
fines the business owner. The tax court does not have jurisdiction to abate or lower such penalties imposed by the IRS.

"Many taxpayers who are no longer taking current tax deductions for these plans continue to enjoy the benefit of previous tax 
deductions by continuing the deferral of income from contributions and deductions taken in prior years."

Many business owners adopted 412i, 419, captive insurance and Section 79 plans based upon representations provided by 
insurance professionals that the plans were legitimate plans and were not informed that they were engaging in a listed 
transaction. Upon audit, these taxpayers were shocked when the IRS asserted penalties under Section 6707A of the Code in the 
hundreds of thousands of dollars. Numerous complaints from these taxpayers caused Congress to impose a moratorium on 
assessment of Section 6707A penalties.

The moratorium on IRS fines expired on June 1, 2010. The IRS immediately started sending out notices proposing the imposition 
of Section 6707A penalties along with requests for lengthy extensions of the Statute of Limitations for the purpose of assessing 
tax. Many of these taxpayers stopped taking deductions for contributions to these plans years ago, and are confused and upset 
by the IRS’s inquiry, especially when the taxpayer had previously reached a monetary settlement with the IRS regarding its 
deductions. Logic and common sense dictate that a penalty should not apply if the taxpayer no longer benefits from the 
arrangement. Treas. Reg. Sec. 1.6011-4(c)(3)(i) provides that a taxpayer has participated in a listed transaction if the taxpayer’s 
tax return reflects tax consequences or a tax strategy described in the published guidance identifying the transaction as a listed 
transaction or a transaction that is the same or substantially similar to a listed transaction.

Clearly, the primary benefit in the participation of these plans is the large tax deduction generated by such participation. Many 
taxpayers who are no longer taking current tax deductions for these plans continue to enjoy the benefit of previous tax 
deductions by continuing the deferral of income from contributions and deductions taken in prior years. While the regulations do 
not expand on what constitutes “reflecting the tax consequences of the strategy,” it could be argued that continued benefit from a 
tax deferral for a previous tax deduction is within the contemplation of a “tax consequence” of the plan strategy. Also, many 
taxpayers who no longer make contributions or claim tax deductions continue to pay administrative fees. Sometimes, money is 
taken from the plan to pay premiums to keep life insurance policies in force. In these ways, it could be argued that these 
taxpayers are still “contributing,” and thus still must file Form 8886.

It is clear that the extent to which a taxpayer benefits from the transaction depends on the purpose of a particular transaction as 
described in the published guidance that caused such transaction to be a listed transaction. Revenue Ruling 2004-20, which 
classifies 419(e) transactions, appears to be concerned with the employer’s contribution/deduction amount rather than the 
continued deferral of the income in previous years. Another important issue is that the IRS has called CPAs material advisors if 
they signed tax returns containing the plan, and got paid a certain amount of money for tax advice on the plan. The fine is 
$100,000 for the CPA, or $200,000 if the CPA is incorporated. To avoid the fine, the CPA has to properly file Form 8918.

Lance Wallach, National Society of Accountants Speaker of the Year and member of the AICPA faculty of teaching professionals, 
Wallach is a frequent speaker on retirement plans, financial and estate planning, and abusive tax shelters. He is also a featured 
writer and has been interviewed on television and financial talk shows including NBC, National Pubic Radio’s All Things 
Considered and others. Lance authored Protecting Clients from Fraud, Incompetence and Scams published by John Wiley and 
Sons, Bisk Education’s CPA’s Guide to Life Insurance and Federal Estate and Gift Taxation, as well as AICPA best-selling books 
including Avoiding Circular 230 Malpractice Traps and Common Abusive Small Business Hot Spots.

Contact him at:
516.938.5007,, or, or

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