Lance Wallach Life Insurance: Why Your Life Insurance Claim Is Denied

Lance Wallach Life Insurance: Why Your Life Insurance Claim Is Denied: Article 3 of 6 in Life Insurance Claims, Attorneys, and Lawsuits If your life insurance claim is denied, you need to find out why and dec...

    Guaranteed Ways to Get New Clients and Become Very Successful

    By: Lance Wallach

    The new way to get more business is through psychology.  I work in the insurance industry and one thing that I have noticed is that many insurance relevant messages never get heard. They’re the wrong messages sent to the wrong target markets.

    Ask yourself, are you someone your intended target market would easily and quickly gravitate to? Do they find you immediately trustworthy and credible? I find that many insurance advisors are indeed credible, but they are not good at demonstrating their credibility. As a result, many people they meet don't easily trust them.  

    The biggest marketing mismatches involve emotional issues – the things that help your prospect feel safe with you.  Some examples of this include:

    • A personal phone call from the advisor
    • Clear descriptions and directions
    • Content written in the language of your target market
    • Relevant information, rather than an endless sales pitch
    • Pictures of staff members on your web site

    Part one in attracting a new client is creating a feeling of safety.  If you don't know how to make the prospect feel safe and comfortable, chances are slim that you’ll get far enough to write new business with him.

    There is an unwritten philosophy that if it’s in print, it must be true. If you need help with a subject, and read an article written by someone who is knowledgeable about that subject, you may be more likely to wish to call him or her for advice.  I write for numerous publications but that is not how I earn my living. Most of my income comes from the people that have called me for help after they have read material that I have written and published. They call me because I am the perceived expert since I have been published on a subject that they are interested in. I have been operating like this for over thirty-five years. Anyone can do business like this. Get published first, then show people your article and watch your business grow.

    I have shown many of my friends how to make lots of money while helping people. It is surprisingly easy, if you do the right things the right way. Here is an example; a few years ago a good friend of mine wanted to move to Greenwich. He is a financial planner, smart and honest. He just needed a little push and some direction. I showed him how to get published and how to get on TV. Within a year, he had enough money from business that was generated by his being publicized to buy a nice house in Greenwich, CT. Another example is an accountant friend of mine. He wanted to go into the life insurance business, but was not an outgoing individual. I coauthored a book and some articles with him. That following year, he was the number 6 salesman for a very large insurance company.  He sold more life insurance than 10,000 other agents and brokers that did business with the large insurance company. He gets almost all his business as a result of being published. Imagine that. A “no personality CPA” bec

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